These paintings adopt the tradition of oil portraiture in hopes of elevating cardboard as an integral part of commercial society. Though it altruistically protects and carries objects more valuable than itself, it is ultimately discarded. These works honor its quiet sacrifice, preserving it as one might a figure of great importance.
This series of oil on canvas paintings employs the trompe l'oeil technique, which translates to "fool the eye." Dating back to ancient Greece and Rome, this method creates an optical illusion of a real object on a flat surface. So no, that’s not a real fragile sticker you see, it’s an oil painting!
**Custom cardboard paintings are available upon request.

Cardboard Composition #1, Oil on Canvas, 42”x72”, 2016.

Cardboard Composition #1, Oil on Canvas, 42”x72”, on view in Baltimore bedroom.

Cardboard Composition #1, Oil on Canvas, 42”x72”, on view horizonatally in Los Angeles dining room.

Cardboard Composition #3, Oil on Canvas, 36”x48”, 2022.

Cardboard Composition #2 in Green, Oil on Canvas, 36”x48”, on view in Los Angeles living room, 2022.

Cardboard Composition #4, Oil on Canvas, 18”x24”, currently for sale, 2022.

Cardboard Composition #4, Oil on Canvas, 18”x24”, on view in Los Angeles bedroom.