Marcella & Morris Large Scale VHS Project

CNC Carved & Painted MDF, 4’ x 3’ x 1’ , 2016.

Morris Louis is one of America’s greatest twentieth century abstract artists. He was supported by his wife, Marcella, who was a working teacher and paid for their apartment in Baltimore where Morris lived and made his paintings. Morris’ paintings were as big as the apartment would fit. After the death of Morris Louis, all of his paintings were handled and distributed by Marcella. We have Marcella to thank for taking care of Morris’ work and estate. Maya found a VHS titled “Morris Louis” in the e-waste bin while attending MICA and learned about their lives through the documentary and recreated a large scale version of the VHS and retitled the documentary “Marcella & Morris”, adding the text “supported by a woman” to give some ackownledgement of Marcella’s participation in his art career and preservation of his legacy. Looking back on this project, Maya of course would reframe the text to read “supported by Marcella”... or something to that effect.

Miscellaneous Sculptures

Holy Trinity + Bell
In reference to Rublev's 15th century Russian icon painting 'Trinity' as well the bell scene in the 1969 film ‘Andrei Rublev’. ‘Andrei Rublev’ is a Soviet biographical historical film drama by director Andrei Tarkovsky. The bell scene in Tarkovsky’s ‘Rublev’ asks the question: Can the townspeople work together to forge a giant bell for the king, or will they need help from God to successfully complete the task? These questions about faith feels felt welcomed by the Holy Trinity.